UV Water Filter Systems

Ultra Violet water sterilisation and filtration systems are what every rural home in New Zealand should have installed protecting the whole family and guests.

What We Do


UV Water Filter Servicing

Onsite UV Filter System Servicing. We service all leading brands of UV water systems, whole house and kitchen underbench.

UV Filter Installations

New Installations of UV, or Ultra Violet water filter systems for lifestyle blocks, whole house and underbench.

Commercial UV Filters

We Specify new UV installations so you comply with regulations for NZ Drinking Water Standards, Food Act and  Small Water suppliers.

Book your filter service today

Existing – UV Water Filter System Servicing & Maintenance

We specialise in servicing UV systems, all leading makes models and brands. Our three service vehicles travel to your place and carry out a full 10 point service check, replace the filters, strip down the UV system, clean the UV quartz sleeve, install new UV lamp and filters and re-assemble. Most importantly we also sterilise the water lines into your home or workplace as per the UV manufactures recommendations.

Our skilled, trained team have been servicing UV water filter systems for over 18 years and we know what we are doing.

We guarantee you will pass an E-coli water test after servicing. Our rural customers have never failed a water test in 18 years after a full UV service and maintenance call. We service lifestyle blocks, rural homes, farms, rural schools and commercial businesses on rainwater, tank water or bore water. Our job is to keep your water safe so that you have healthy water you can trust for life.

Call Steve on  0800 278 288 If your system isn’t listed below,  we may still be able to service your system.

  • Aqua UV Steriliser
  • Aqua Filter UV System
  • Aqua Pure UV Filter
  • Sterilight UV system
  • Viqua UV systems
  • Aqua Pro UV filter
  • Wyckomar UV system
  • Greenway UV Systems
  • Splenvue UV Filter
  • Water Guard
  • UV Water Systems
  • Cynortic UV Filter
  • Puretec Hybrid UV Systems
  • Puretec Radfire UV Filter
  • Davey AquaShield Max Pump
  • Davey AquaSheild Centurion
  • Steriflo UV systems
  • Luminor UV filter system
  • Pura UV water filter system
  • Filter Pure water filters
  • Mountain Fresh UV systems

New – UV Water Filter System Installations

We have been installing Ultra Violet filtration systems since 2000 keeping homes, lifestyle blocks, schools and businesses across Rodney, drinking safe, healthy water, they can trust.

Our process starts with a free onsite visit to your place to see what your existing filtration set up is (or isn’t) and then recommend best practice options, suited for your home, your location, your debris levels, your usage and your daily water volume.

Experience, means we can perfectly match UV filtration systems, to your existing water pump capacity, and the maximum demand of the home.

It’s not a one size fits all, which is why we offer our FREE onsite appraisal. Call Steve today and book  0800 278 288

  • Free Onsite UV system Quotes / Recommendations
  • Free basic WoF check of existing water delivery system
  • Rainwater harvesting system WoF checks
  • Free Water pump checks
  • Free assessment for Pre Tank Water Filters
  • Free assessment for Water Tank cleaning
  • UV Filter systems matched to water pump capacity
  • UV Filtration matched to house maximum demand.
  • UV system primarily designed for safe drinking water
  • UV system designed for 12-month service intervals
  • UV replacement lamps and filters always in stock
  • We guarantee E.coli / bacteria free water
  • We guarantee giardia/cyrptosporidium free water
  • We guarantee safe water from every tap in your home
  • We guarantee professional installation
  • 3 yr Warranty on electrical components
  • 5 yr Warranty on stainless steel UV reactors
  • Post-Installation, scheduled annual servicing

Why choose US to service your UV system?

Because its what we do best. We come to your place, check your whole UV filtration system over and then service the UV system, it means we strip down the UV, rebuild it, clean the quartz sleeve and replace the filters with our special dual gradient filters.

Then we sterilise the lines into your home,(most important part of the job) perform a final system check, check the water pump, water tanks and report if any further preventative maintenance is needed.

Smart systems mean we record your service and invoice you on the job and take mobile Eftpos payment.

From start to finish we leave you with healthy safe water in every tap in your home.

This particular job is not suitable as a DIY job as there are various pitfalls to catch a novice out, such as broken quartz sleeves (meaning no water in, home), broken glass entering your water supply and water lines not being sterilised as per UV manufacturers recommendations.

Call us for peace of mind, and year in year out trouble-free water filtration and water pump service. 0800 278 288

  • We know what we’re doing, 18 yrs experience
  • Wide experience & knowledge of UV’s
  • You get to tap into our knowledge base
  • Service Van fully stocked with over 50 UV Lamps
  • Spare Quartz Sleeves onsite in case of breakage
  • Full range of filters on site to suit every UV filter and system, meaning less downtime for you.
  • Free Service reminders
  • Trained in-house schedulers, so your service is professionally booked, so you won’t get let down.
  • An organised system for service reminders
  • We phone you to schedule annual maintenance
  • Booked services send you reminders on the day
  • Trained, skilled technicians keeping your water safe.
  • We are local, Rodney based from Waipu to Albany
  • Agents NZ wide for servicing your UV system
  • Invoices emailed on the job for you to check
  • On the job mobile Eftpos payment options
  • Same local Owner operator for 18 years providing continuous experience and knowledge.
  • Showroom in Warkworth, so call in and say hi.

Why you need a UV Water Filter System

If you are harvesting rainwater – You Need a UV System – No ifs No buts.

Let us explore this bold statement a little; rain falls from the sky and lands on your roof. What else is on your roof? Well, a variety of birds, occasional possums, moss, mould, lichen, insects, snails, slugs, dust, pollen and I could go on. All living things poo. Your rainwater runs through the poo/faeces, dust, pollen, debris and it all ends up in your water tank.

We know all living things carry E-coli and bacteria, we also know birds, and possums transmit protozoa like Giardia through their poo, on their way to finding a new host – YOU. All rainwater stored in water tanks have some levels of faecal coliforms present. In our experience, we know that 70% of rainwater tanks have E-coli present too.

Ecoli is an indicator that there may be other pathogenic micro-organisms present in your water such as giardia, cryptosporidium & campylobacter. (ecoli is relatively cheap to test for). Insects, mosquitos, snails, worms and larvae are also often found in your water tank. These foreign invaders eat and live on the organic matter that’s on the bottom of your water tank, and multiply rapidly as a result.

“She’ll be right mate, I’ve been drinking this water for 20 years, and I’m OK”    – Mantra of a typical old-school Kiwi bloke, usually while they, or a family member,  have the trots and I am recommending they spend some money to fix their water contamination. – Steve Reynolds, founder of-   Are You The Filter, Aqua Filter Rodney & Pure Water Services North Ltd

No, it is not alright, we regularly work with people and families who have serious health issues caused by the pathogens in their water. De-hydration, vomiting and diarrhoea can be very serious, often resulting in children and elderly in hospital. Together we can fix this, your water at home can be safe to drink from every tap, every day.

  • UV filtration protects your whole home and family
  • UV systems are you taking responsibility for your water, using common sense and protecting your loved ones
  • UV filters stop the “if or when I get sick”
  • UV filter systems mean you can stop shock dosing your water tank with chemicals!
  • UV filter systems safeguards against bacteria such as e-coli, botulism, campylobacter, salmonella & dysentery.
  • UV filtration protects against parasite protozoa such as  Giardia & Cyrptosporidium
  • UV filtration is the most cost and price effective solution in New Zealand for safeguarding the water in your home
  • UV water filter systems are effective against viruses, such as Norovirus & Rotavirus
  • UV systems have a germicidal effect on pathogens
  • UV disinfection systems are approx 20,000 times more efficient than boiling water.

How does a UV Water Filter System work?

Proven Technology – Ultraviolet water filtration is proven in sterilising water in NZ. It uses Ultraviolet light to disinfect harmful micro-organisms commonly found in rainwater storage tanks on homes, bach’s, farms, schools and lifestyle blocks. UV is a long-established, proven mechanism for treating water, making it potable and safe for homes and workplaces.

DNA Disrupter – UV rays are found in the electromagnetic spectrum, lying between x-rays and visible light. They are a type of energy that irradiates the water as it passes through the UV chamber or reactor. UV light disrupts the strands of DNA at the genetic core of the bacteria, making it unable to reproduce and therefore unable to form infectious colonies which could make you sick.

Highly Effective – UV light can only be effective against micro-organisms if it can see them, bearing in mind we can’t see any of this as its all sub-micron. For this reason, we always put the UV as part of a filtration system with a 1-micron filter. Traditionally people have used a 20-micron pleated filter cartridge followed by a 1-micron polyspun depth cartridge. We have found this to be less than effective with the 1-micron filter blocking up quickly in most places. Worse is a string wound 1-micron cartridge which never blocks – the reason being this type of filter loads up and then releases large chunks of debris into the water, which is the worst-case scenario for the effective dose of the UV system.

Clean Sediment Free Water – UV light must be allowed to freely penetrate all the water, bear in mind we can’t see the bacteria and we can’t see the sediment it hides behind as it goes past the UV light. UV water filter systems work best if there are 2 dual gradient filters in front of the UV lamp. We set all our systems up with a 75-25 micron dual gradient filter first and then a 25-01 micron filter as the second filter. This ensures the cleanest water possible from a sediment type filter on rainwater. When we service these UV filter systems you can see the dirt load up the different parts of the dual gradient filter cartridges.

This means the sediment filters load up evenly and nothing gets past the 1-micron filter that the UV light can’t penetrate.

  • UV is a safe natural process
  • UV uses no chemicals
  • UV doesn’t add anything to your water
  • UV doesn’t affect the taste of the water
  • Ultraviolet disinfection is a physical process
  • UV effectively disinfects 99.99% of micro-organisms
  • UV is cost-effective, requiring only an annual service
  • UV systems are more effective than adding chlorine
  • UV systems are energy efficient
  • UV lamps need replacing every 12 months
  • UV system best practice requires a 1-micron pre-filter
  • Our best practice is 2 dual gradient filters pre-UV
  • UV light is not residual – Only works when the water goes past the lamp, that’s why its essential to have your water lines professionally sterilised each year.

What does a  UV Water Filter System kill?

Bacteria and Viruses – UV or Ultraviolet water filtration systems are your best line of defence against bacteria and viruses. UV water sterilisers have been proven to render harmless or de-activate 99.99 % of bacteria and viruses that are commonly found in New Zealand’s rural water supplies. These water supplies can be rainwater harvested from your roof, bore or well water or surface waters such as springs, streams and rivers. The most common source where we use ultraviolet filtration, on is rainwater or tank water.

E.coli bacteria are commonly found in the human intestinal tract. However, there are some types, like STEC Shiga-toxin producing E-coli,  which are harmful and can cause severe stomach cramps, mild to severe diarrhoea and vomiting. These types of E-coli are transmitted through food and water. In water, these get into your water tank through infected animals crapping on your roof, same as Giardia.

Giardia and Cryptosporidium –  Giardia is a relatively new parasite introduced to New Zealand in the late ’80s. Giardia and Cryptosporidium are protozoa cysts and are parasitic. This means they travel from host to host in cyst form waiting for you to become the new host. They live in your gut and reproduce rapidly. They are transmitted mainly by birds, but also possums and rodents, which all get on your roof and defecate and crap everywhere. Rain washes the faeces/poo into your tank and you drink it making you the new host.

Giardia and Cryptosporidium cause severe diarrhoea and dehydration over a prolonged period of time, it’s not pleasant and once you have had it once you are more likely to have it recur, a bit like malaria. Giardia is now a notifiable disease in NZ. New Zealand has one of the highest incident rates of Giardia in the developed world.

Example of Fatalities from Protozoa – People have died from these parasites, for example in 1993 in Milwaukee 69 people died following an outbreak of Cryptosporidium, having drunk water from the towns main municipal water supply. Read more. It was found that Chlorine was not effective against Giardia or Cryptosporidium, however, UV water treatment was very effective and in fact easier to destroy than bacteria or E-coli.

Bio-Film – UV water filtration is the most cost-effective method for making your drinking water safe. However, UV installations and correct annual servicing must be done to the manufacturer’s recommendations in order for the UV to work properly. In our experience, over the past 18 years, very few systems are installed correctly and even less are maintained to a satisfactory standard recommended by the manufacturers, resulting in bio-film build up which can cause risk of illness.

UV ineffective unless correctly installed and serviced – We recently upgraded a commercial facility used as a cafe, where the UV had not been maintained correctly. The lamp had been changed, however, the system had never been stripped down and cleaned. We found algae growing on the quartz sleeve and masses of bio-film inside the pipes feeding the cafe, home and workplace. It is NOT ok to simply replace the UV lamp and change the filters, it’s not what the manufacturer recommends and you are putting your family or workplace at severe risk of ill health.

Areas we service for UV Servicing

All of the Auckland Rodney District – It’s important that you get a professional to service your UV filter system every 12 months. This will maintain the high water quality you desire and is the reason you have a UV system in the first place. We personally cover the whole of the Rodney District and include towns from Waipu and Mangawhai down to Albany, coast to coast.

The Rest of NZ – We are also connected to a dedicated nationwide service team who can service your UV filtration system outside of the Rodney District. Contact us and we will connect you with the right person to keep your water safe.

  • North Rodney District includes:-
  • Waipu, Mangawhai, Paparoa, Kaiwaka
  • Wellsford, Warkworth, Kaipara Flats
  • Omaha, Point Wells, Leigh, Matakana
  • Snells Beach, Algies Bay, Sandspit
  • Central Rodney District Includes:-
  • Puhoi, Mahurangi West, Waiwera
  • Hatfields Beach, Orewa, Red Beach, Waitoki
  • Silverdale, Millwater, Milldale, Stillwater, Wainui
  • Gulf Harbour, Stanmore Bay, Arkles Bay
  • South Rodney includes:- North Albany
  • Dairy Flat, Coatesville, Okura, Paremoremo
  • West Rodney includes:-
  • Riverhead, Kumeu, Taupaki, Waitakere
  • Murawai, Helensville, Kaukapakapa

Specific UV system Models & Brands we Service

We service all leading brands, makes and models of  UV filtration systems.

If your model is not shown here call us on 0800 278 288
to find out if we service your UV system.

  • Aqua UV WHAUV-B3M, AUVL434
  • Aqua UV WHAUV-J3M, AUVL-434HO
  • Aqua UV CAUV-J3M, AUVL996-HO
  • Sterilight S36RL, S12Q-PA, SSM-39
  • Sterilight S410RL-HO, VH410 UV
  • Sterilight S810RL, S8Q-PA
  • Sterilight S740RL-HO SPV-15, S950RL-HO
  • Puretec Hybrid G Series G8, G9
  • Greenway GAUV 1S, 2S, 5S, 10S, 15S
  • Davey Sterilflo UV23, UV50, UV70, UV130
  • Davey Steriflo Kit KUV50, KUV70, KUV130
  • Davey Steriflo 800SF, 900SF, LS1000S
  • Davey Aquasheild ASC50, ASC70
  • Davey XL-60, Splenvue S12E UV
  • Wykomar UV-700, UV-1200, UV-1500
  • Puretec Hybrid R Series R3, R4
  • UV Water Systems
  • EGPH840N/S, LS36T5L-4
  • AquaPro 4 pin 176-39RL
  • Water Guard Gold & Silver
  • Water Guard 130W, 75W, 40W
  • Trojan UVMAX Replacement UV lamps
  • Puretec Radfire Hybrid R10, R11

 Commercial UV Filter Systems

Design – Engineering – Specification – Installation – Schedule Maintenance

We regularly service and install new complete systems for our commercial businesses and are helping them comply with the changing regulations regarding water safety and their obligations. Some clients are now considered small water suppliers and have to comply with section 10 of the Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand 2008. We help with system specification, design and compliance. We can write water safety plans and make sure you comply with your legal obligations.

Often Commercial UV systems are part of a larger system. Commercial water treatment is often required, especially on surface waters or large flow, large volume requirements. UV water sterilisation is usually the end part of the solution as the water quality needs to be very good before it passes through the UV system. Call Steve on 0274 787 427 to get your business’s water sorted.

  • Our Commercial Clients are:-
  • Rural Schools
  • Pre School & Kindergarten
  • Cafes on tank water
  • Food preparation facilities
  • Food Outlets – Fast food
  • Factories & staff lunch rooms
  • Winery / Distillery
  • Bed and Breakfasts
  • Air BnB
  • Resorts/Lodges
  • Motels/Hotels
  • Conference Centres
  • Campgrounds
  • Rural petrol stations
  • Rural supermarkets
  • Beekeeping / Honey processing
  • Golf Club Resturants
  • Rest Homes
  • Rural Dentist Clinics
  • Rural Doctors/Surgical practice.
  • Farms / Cow Sheds / Dairy
  • Milk / Cheese Processing / wash down
  • Small Water Suppliers

Case Studies

Why do you Need to Service Ultra Violet Filtration Systems?

Why do you Need to Service Ultra Violet Filtration Systems?

UV servicing should be carried out by a trained professional. UV's must be serviced according to the UV manufacturers recommendations. This means they must be regularly stripped down, cleaned, quartz sleeves checked and UV lamps replaced. As part of this service, we...

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What does a UV filtration system do?

What does a UV filtration system do?

  What does a UV water filtration system do? It simply adds a layer of protection for your whole family. UV filters are not actual filters; they are better described as sterilisers. As the water passes the UV light, its dose/radiation interferes with the DNA in...

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Do you need your UV water filter system serviced?

Do you need your UV water filter system serviced?

Need your UV filter system serviced? We run 3 fully equipped serviced vehicles across Rodney District in Auckland. We have the right spares on board so we can service your UV system, replace the UV lamp, clean or replace the UV quartz sleeve (often referred to as the...

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